The UK immigration system is complicated. There are a number of applications that you may be able to make depending on your circumstances.

Our experience has shown us that by properly preparing cases from the beginning they stand a better chance of succeeding and if an appeal has to be lodged then the chances of success are higher. We also believe that by allocating the same advisor throughout your case means that you are provided with the best possible service.

KIVA offers fair and honest advice regarding all applications for leave to remain, permanent residency and British citizenship under the immigration and nationality rules. We can advise on and represent you in all immigration and nationality options available to you.

Our service includes assistance in respect of all categories under the immigration rules including asylum, required documentation for in-country and visa applications as well as application procedures.

We are expert advocates and excel in appeals against refusals, providing a professional and thorough service, fully preparing your case and then attending court with you and advocating on your behalf. If we feel it would be beneficial to your case we will instruct and expert barrister to represent you in court.

Among others, some of the many applications KIVA can help with are:

• EUSS Applications
• Dependant Relatives
• Marriage, Civil Partnership, Spouse and Fiancés
• Unmarried partners
• Permanent residency
• Right of Abode
• British citizenship
• UK ancestry
• Long Residence
• Appeals against refusals of all applications
• Deportation
• Detention and bail
• Schengen Visas
• USA visit visas